Recalibrate, Recharge, Renew: A Radical Self-Care Program this March

You don't have to be an expert in yoga, Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), to be well-aware of spring’s transformative qualities. The warmth to the air, the sunshine, the trees blossoming - we literally feel spring in our step. Most of us may get the sudden urge to be outdoors more often, to eat more greens and maybe even restart that paused gym membership.

Spring is a natural time of transition, as living holistically and in tune with nature becomes just a bit easier and more obvious. Which makes it an ideal time for a gentle cleanse, helping you reset your body and mind, and nourish your heart, while preparing you for a new season of wellbeing.

Our resident yoga teacher and health coach Anna Giunta has crafted an immersive 3-week self-care program that combines modern practices with natural healing methods and holistic eastern medicinal concepts. It’s focused on boosting your natural energy, helping you experience vitality and enhance your ability to live a heart-based life.

Most of us are familiar with Ayurveda and TCM, the ancient healing sciences, which have been practiced for thousands of years. Both see the body as a whole, more like a landscape rather than an automated machine. And their aim is to restore the body, to bring harmony and balance to the body-mind connection as it relates nature, and to realign both with the cycle of life and natural seasons.

These days we all have easy access to information and the last two years have created a huge shift in the perception of wellness, and what means to be aligned and well. We may know what is needed to heal but it’s no less important to know how to apply this knowledge and integrate it into your life.  

Join this 3-week program, to tap into our inner nature and recognise its crucial relationship with the external natural world, giving you the tools to address seasonal transition effectively and sustainably; utilising elements of Ayurveda, TCM, yoga, mindfulness and modern psychology.

What To Expect

The whole program is both live and online, with 3 weeks, 3 themes, 3 special events + intention setting and journal prompts.


Week 1. Unveil your essence and reinforce 2022 intentions+goals (Water element - kidney and bladder meridians), Wed 16.03 

Week 2. Boost your immune system and live more healthily and joyfully (Fire element - heart, small intestine, pericardium meridians), Wed 23.03

Week 3. Coming home and re-centering of self (Earth&Wood elements - Stomach, Spleen and liver meridians), Wed 30.03

Classes & Events:

3 x Yang Yoga Flow classes, live at BECYCLE (and online), March 16th, 23rd and 30th @7.15pm

3 x Yin Yoga Sequence classes, live at BECYCLE (and online) March 16th, 23rd and 30th @8.30pm

1 x Online Cooking class (Ayurveda & Mediterranean-inspired, including a pdf booklet and recipe). March 13th; 5pm, €35 

1 x Full Moon Cacao Ceremony to celebrate spring equinox live at BEYOND (and online). March 20th, 5-7.30pm, €35 

1 x 90min Self-Care Workshop with Yin&TCM-inspired self-massage, EFT tapping live at BEYOND (and online). March 27th, 5pm, €35


Full program inclusive of everything is €185, which is recommended for a complete approach. However, each of the classes/events can be booked separately as well. The three special events listed above can be booked by purchasing a €35 retreat-credit, here. All of these components will be hosted both online and live/in-person, should you miss something, you can always get a link to watch at your own pace.

Please note: Once purchased, the total program package is non-refundable or transferrable, may not be paused.