Serum for After the Sweat 

Our skin is the biggest organ we have. And thank goodness for that because beyond our heart, lungs, and brain going into overdrive during a tough workout, the sweetest release comes from a good sweat!

But wait, are you putting all those toxins back on your skin before you leave the locker room? Because after a workout, the skin absorbs what we apply on it. Many creams and beauty products are filled with harmful chemicals that can put a damper on that freshly detoxed feeling.  For that reason, we are proud to stock some great brands in the studio made from only natural, good-for-you ingredients. A few great options are available on the shelf from Berlin-based leo & pincky.  

© leo & pincky (founders Leo & Teresa)

© leo & pincky (founders Leo & Teresa)

Their products are filled with natural juices such as dandelion, horse tail, melissa and extracts of hops and tomato skin, as well as high amounts of natural hyaluronic acid. They only use healthy and natural ingredients, with a strong emphasis on regional sourcing in the EU with production in Germany.  

“If you sweat a lot, your skin cleans itself from the inside. Keep it clean and healthy by only applying what is best for it,” says Leo Kistermann, co-founder, alongside Teresa Pinkernelle, of the eponymous leo & pincky.  

The non-oily serums - Anti-Hangover and Anti-Stress - are perfect for the skin post-workout, and their creams help you retain the necessary moisture that your skin needs. Plus, the cream comes in a unique wooden crucible made from sustainably sourced ash from Spain. No need to worry about your bathroom counter looking cluttered with unsightly bottles and bright labels, the design makes it blend nicely with any decor. We personally think they look quite chic on our countertops at the studio too!

Give the serums a try next time you're in after a sweat-sesh and let us know what you think! Or better yet, test them out during our morning classes on May 2nd (the day after crazy May Day). leo & pincky will be sponsoring both ride and refine morning classes, giving every participant registered samples of the Anti-Hangover and Anti-Stress serums to try.

& who doesn’t like a good ‘ole, fun contest?

Customers who sign up for a morning class on May 2nd AND comment on our instagram post today (April 23rd), answering our sweat-based question — will be entered in a raffle to win a leo & pincky serum of your choice. Three winners will be picked on May 2nd and announced via instagram.

Article written by Sarah Findle