Instructor Insights: Rieke

Barre Instructor


Rieke loves to move body and soul with precise movements and flow-inspired combinations. Her background in Vinyasa and Yin Yoga, where she holds 300-RYT certified hours, gives her a clear understanding of the intertwined connection between body and mind. And she’s a very proud alumni of the BECYCLE Barre teacher training, so you know her Barre classes will leave you challenged, sweaty and revitalised in the best way possible!

Fit-focused Q’s:

What is your go-to breakfast on a busy morning? I am more of a brunch/lunch type, but I never ever leave the house without taking my vitamins and supplements. Keeping the cells fuelled with what they need is essential.

What's your best strategy to stay motivated?  Being grateful for being alive!

The best thing we can do for ourselves after a workout is... to fly high on the adrenaline and then consciously recover!

Is there a special dietary regime you follow? What changes have you seen or felt since you have started it? I am 98% plant-based, but follow what my body craves. Since I took out the self-created limitations, I feel so much more joy for food and am a lot more aware on what goes into my body- if it happens to be a pain au chocolat, well, I better enjoy it to the fullest!

What are your top three exercises to do at home? 

Pigeon Pose to release tension in the lower back, Cat & Cow for spinal movements and generally a lot of breathing techniques.

What are your tips to have energy all day? Move your body, stay hydrated and surround yourself with like-minded souls.

Quick-fire Q’s

Best Restaurant in Berlin and Best Bar in Berlin:  I just moved here, so tell me please!

Best Place to dance in Berlin:  See above.

Destination looking fwd traveling to the most: Visiting my brother in the U.S.

Least favourite exercise: I wouldn’t say least favourite, I would say most challenging - any inversions.

One lesson learned from the pandemic period: Don’t waste your lifetime doing things you don’t adore, do what your heart desires. Life is precious and life is short.

Silly Q’s:

Dog, cats, neither? I love dogs!! (but all animals really.)

You're stranded on an island. What's the one thing you'd wish you had and why? A phone to call my peeps and tell them to come and find me, so that we can celebrate big when they arrive.