Connected Confidence: Getting To Know Aleks Kop

Ahead of our workshop on Connected Confidence, we sat down with Aleks Kop, one of Berlin's most well-known confidence coaches and yoga guides, to better understand her approach to coaching and what it’s all about.


Our confident decision making is the first driver of our happiness, success & contentment. Connected confidence stems from the grounded trust within you and echoes outwards into everything we do, from choosing what milk we will use for our coffee or where we will go next in life. Both decisions might not be the same in their weight, yet when you are approaching them from the inner connection - they both become easy - not only to make but also to execute. 

We flow easily with life when we stop doubting, second guessing or changing our mind all the time. It is very time and energy consuming. Hence every decision directed outwards, has to be formed, felt and connected inwards - how to - curiosity to self, tool and support of self discovery, bravery and consistency of your work and showing up.

How did you come to this practice, what made you decide to become a confidence coach?

I have been coached and mentored by a wonderful human and professional - Cari Merriam. She nudged my natural ability to listen, support and inspire people to go for what they want in life. Confidence coaching definition crystalised after working with a wave of first clients, when I have been noticing and making me realise - truly everything in life is a decision, and yes it is not enough to cognitively understand it - we need to experience the weight, power and importance of our decisions, and most importantly how we make them. 

How many times have you made a decision and went on a rant of justifying, explaining and eventually changing it to please a situation or other person(s)? Leading my clients through a connection to what is it that they truly want, what lights them up and merging that with feeling the confidence in the body, I saw transformations not only towards go-getter attitudes, but most importantly more grounded, peaceful and loving way of life. 

What are some of your daily routines or practices that you call on to maintain this for yourself, and can suggest to others?

I start my day with a calm, connected moment. Sometimes it is meditation, sometimes, stretching, movement or dance. The importance of this practice is consistency and not rushing into your day before connecting and checking in with yourself. Sometimes if I need to shorten it due to an early commitment I will still take 5 mins to have a calm morning coffee, breathe and ask myself - what does this day need from me? Sometimes the answer is focus, determination, perseverance. Sometimes it is calmness, connection, and slowness. I set that word for the day and try to come back to it, taking couple of deeps breaths if needed. This way the empowerment of making your own decisions and really leading from connection starts off the day. 

Aleks works with a variety of embodiment techniques including yoga, meditation, journaling, conversational & inner work processes coaching, breathwork to guide you towards deep connection to your inner confidence and leadership in life.  She’s an expert holistic professional in the Berlin yoga & coaching scene with a wide variety of experience in 1:1, group & business environments. An excited for life and humanity individual with a strong drive for connection, inspiration & community. 

Sign up to a immersive workshop with Aleks held in our BEYOND studio on June 6th here.

Compiled by BECYCLE Marketing Manager and Holistic Nutrtion & Health Coach, Katia Varfolomeeva