Zoom Community Event: Healing Inflammation

You might not be aware but inflammation can often lead to chronic illness, and is currently the number one most common cause of many, often severe, chronic conditions. Heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and dementia are all results of chronic inflammation. It’s not only frequent but also challenging to avoid. If we don’t stay mindful of it and take steps to reduce it, inflammation is likely to influence our health longterm.

It might be tricky to notice the early indicators of persistent inflammation if you don’t quite know what to look for. Often, we don’t know it until it is almost too late. The best way to avoid serious and difficult-to-treat diseases, is to learn how to identify inflammation. Taking proactive steps to reduce it can improve your overall health and reduce your risk for chronic disease.

What sets off inflammation and allows it to get out of control?

We are collectively “reaping the rewards” of decades-long indulging in our modern day convenience diet. The common culprits are: sugar, trans fats, dairy, refined flour, processed food and food allergens, excess amount of carbohydrates, poor-quality proteins, pesticide-contaminated produce, water from plastic bottles, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Other inflammation triggers include dysbiosis (bacteria imbalance in the gut), toxin exposure, allergens such as pollen, metabolic syndrome, chronic stress, hormonal imbalances, poor quality of sleep, imbalances of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, medications/NSAIDs, persistent mold and yeast infections, and ultimately even our thoughts and emotions, which can impact the overall health of our body.

The good news is it’s possible to take control of your health! In this workshop you will learn how to improve your health, reduce your risk of disease, and upgrade your quality of life and the lives of those you love. Imagine waking up with a clear mind, pain-free, with an endless amount of energy. Eliminating inflammation can help you to enhance your memory, concentration, and overall health. And I can’t wait to share with you how do so proactively and effectively. In this workshop you will discover my scientifically-backed nutrition and supplement program explicitly designed to reduce inflammation. So you can start nourishing your body now!

About Tina Kaczor

Tina is a certified holistic nutritionist specializing in Full Body Detox, Weight Loss, Food Intolerances and Allergies, Hormonal Imbalance, Autoimmune Disease, IBS, Candida, Sibo, and Anti -Inflammatory Diet. She develops personalized health and nutrition concepts for her clients, empowering them to take their health into their own hands, creating sustainable results. Her passion is to impart knowledge be that in 1:1 coaching or group coaching, in workshops, cooking courses, or as an author.

DETAILS: Wed, March 6th, 7pm. This is a free Community Event and will be conducted via Zoom, so you can join from anywhere! Booking link coming soon via BECYCLE schedule.