Regression: Learning Your Purpose From Your Past Life


If you believe in reincarnation or perhaps have mused on the questions of spirituality, the past life and our purpose in the current one, then Marije Terluin is your woman. Originally from the Netherlands, she is a, what’s known as, a ‘Past Life Regressionist’ and the owner of Wonders Never Cease. Marije’s own transformative journey has led her to study at the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy (QHHT) of Dolores Cannon, and motivated her to spread the experience to others. She currently offers both 1:1 and group regression workshops. You can catch her at BECYCLE on September 27th.

1) What is a Past Life Regression workshop?

The workshop is a really fun and easy way to experience a past life and to get information that helps with your current life. It could be that you will receive more clarity about a situation or relationship with gaining this wider perspective. It could also be that you receive guidance on a decision that you need to make right now.

2) What can we learn from our past lives?

It can be very valuable to gain some higher perspective on our life paths, it can often explain how we feel about certain situations or why we act the way we do around certain people in our lives. We are often reincarnated with the people of our soul group. The reason for this is that when we have karma with someone it pushes us further to learn things from each other than when we don’t. A past life can also explain some of our fears or dreams.

3) How did you come to this practice, what motivated you to seek the training?

My spiritual awakening happened very abruptly about 4 years ago. I was reading the book Many Lives Many Masters by Brian Weiss. It’s a book about past life regression. And though I was completely fascinated by it, I also thought to myself this cannot be real. Up until that point, I had never considered reincarnation to be real. No one in my environment has ever even mentioned it. So I was very confused reading the book. The next day when I woke up, I started thinking about it again straight away. And then something happened that changed my life forever. I heard a very clear voice that said: ‘You knew about reincarnation all along, it’s just time for you to remember it now.’ I decided in this moment that if this is real, then I need to know everything there is to know about reincarnation and past life regression.

4) How did you learn to mediate a session?

I completed the QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) training by Dolores Cannon in the US. The training has multiple levels, and you can only enter the next level by having completed a certain amount of 1:1 sessions, which I think is great because practice makes perfect. Dolores Cannon used to do many group sessions which I had material of, and I have a mentor that has been doing the workshops for over 10 years in LA.

5) How do you convince the possible skeptics?

I’m not really here to convince anybody. I believe people that come to me for 1:1 regressions or the workshop are there for a reason. And likely it’s their higher self that inspired them to come do a session with me. The interesting thing about the QHHT technique is that it also works for people that don’t believe in it. They will still experience a past life, it’s just up to do them what to do with the information afterwards.

6) What can one expect to happen in a 3-hr group session, give us a little rundown of this time.

You can expect an interesting night that brings forward much information to process afterwards. Things that your higher self wants you to know about. The workshop consists of 3 different exercises we do together, and after each exercise you will have time to write down what you’ve experienced. The writing down part helps with the integration of the information. In the first part the group will visit a past life, everybody will go at the same times and have their own experience. In the second part you will meet one of your spirit guides and get a message from them. And in the final part we go and visit a future existence. 

7) What are some of the surprising (yet positive) outcomes you have seen in people after a session?

The thing that always warms my heart is when people come out of their session and actually start acting on the guidance that they have received from their inner voice. I feel that doing the workshop makes spirituality tangible, as you are the one experiencing it. We’re all born with gut feelings and a team of spirit guides around us, we just need to trust it, and act on it. I love it when I hear afterwards that clients have started to act on their messages and therefore are changing their lives for the better.

8) What happens if negative memories and elements of our past are triggered?


Whatever shows up in a past life regression, is there for you to learn from. Your higher self thinks it’s important for you to see this, for one reason or the other. Your higher self is always there to motivate you to move forward in your life, it never wants to block you. Sometimes it happens that people see traumatic things, but apparently that is exactly what that specific person needs to see in this moment in time. 

9) Who do you think would most benefit from this workshop? 

Anyone who’s curious and interested in learning more about themselves, and the path that they’re on in this current life. 

10) How should one prepare for a session?

The best thing is not to have a preconceived idea of how it will feel being in the session. The fewer expectations you have the more you allow things to flow, to more information you will get. All you need to be is curious and open-minded. Another thing I always remind my clients of as well is to have fun with it! Because it actually is a really fun and interesting workshop.

Another couple of tips to prep: Drink no coffee or alcohol prior. Make sure you eat a meal before and if you like, set your intention for the workshop!

For more information on Marije, visit her Instagram or Facebook pages, or her website. You can book into her workshop at BECYCLE on Sunday, 27.09 here.

Compiled and edited by Katia Varfolomeeva - Head of Marketing and Content at BECYCLE.