Move To Fly: Getting To Know Rieke

You might have taken one of her high-energy barre classes or seen her around one of our three Berlin studios, but did you know that in the last year Rieke has launched her own coaching platform helping individuals get clear on their purpose and live more consciously through movement? Today we sit down to discuss her journey and her coaching approach.

What is one topic that is close to your heart?

Obviously, movement! To me movement comes with two pillars: the mental and the physical ones. They are highly dependent on each other, but are also very individual. Once we start to move, things tend to change. Change happens anyway, and if we stand still we are walking through life passively. But if we choose to move we can drive change, we can shape and actively impact the changes around us: this is what I would refer to as personal growth. My brand MOVE TO FLY is working around the topics of change and personal growth based on those two pillars. Making sure we take care of ourselves, especially mentally, and supporting others on this journey means everything to me.

How do you envision this?

Look at a caterpillar, it eventually outgrows its shape and goes into a cocooning phase, before it transforms into a butterfly. It could say “I don’t want to transform” but change in nature is non-negotiable, it will occur anyway. For us humans it is more or less the same. We usually feel and sense that change is happening or is necessary, but we tend to be afraid of the unknown, or simply don’t know that we could evolve. Movement helps us explore how we want to be and experience life. Physical movement supports the body and the mind on this journey, and the mental component ensures we also do the inner work. 

How do you support the journey of mental & physical movement?

My purpose is to support people mainly in times of change and transformation, and guide them on their journey to a deeper connection within themselves. That’s a bit abstract, so let me explain. 

When I teach a Barre class, for example, it doesn’t always have to be a process of change that is actively going on in my clients’ world or is directly related. However, moving their body supports them in connecting to themselves, and might also open the space for change and new ideas. In my coaching sessions we investigate topics from a systemic lens, and start to consciously work with our inner world. We look into where we are in this moment of time, where we want to be, and figure out a strategy to bridge the gap that will feel empowering and realistic.

How did you develop MOVE TO FLY? Did you always want to be a coach? 

No, for years I thought I would climb the corporate ladder until I was forced to re-evaluate my path. MOVE TO FLY is my approach to life, my personal story and my lens to the world. Three years ago, when my mental state was really dark and my physical state was driven by illness, I decided to actively drive the changes that were needed in my life. Physical movement was always important to me, but I never imagined it would become part of my new and current profession. I was also curious about the coaching and psychological fields, but with my background in business it was never more than a  personal passion, until I decided to get trained as a systemic business & life coach. Today I am beyond grateful for the fact that I can combine both and call this my “job”.  MOVE TO FLY means dedication to yourself, believing in your personal growth with all its ups, downs and the joy there are, once you spread your wings and fly.  

What do you love the most about teaching?

The receiving part. It sounds super cheesy but in most teaching cases I leave the class feeling more energized than before. Teaching is hard because I give so, so much to my clients: my attention, energy, motivation, and determination, BUT I receive back in multiples! I truly love it. 

Talking about the new year, what’s your advice or opinion on New Year’s resolutions? 

I have a love-hate relationship with New Year's Resolutions, to be brutally honest with you. I do believe it is important to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the future. However, I am not a fan of making a 10-Point list on the 31st of December (e.g.: going to the gym five times per week, gaining/loosing 10 kg, etc.) and forgetting about it in the second week of Jan. This creates nothing but frustration. Instead, I love to work with intentions that are based on feelings and desires that I have. 

This can work with anything. Ask yourself what the underlying feeling is, and the state of being you want to be in, and how can you get there? Everything else will follow. I also recommend to check in with the intentions mid February, maybe priorities have shifted, maybe we need a little reminder.

How can people connect and work with you? 

I offer 1:1 coaching and also PTs. You can always send me an email to: or pop me an IG message. All info can also be found on my website. And of course, I can’t wait to see all of you in class again!

Compiled by BECYCLE Marketing Manager and Holistic Nutrition & Health Coach, Katia Varfolomeeva