Instructor Insights: Raman


Raman is our very own superhero. He is an active triathlete, marathon runner and obstacle course racer who inspires all of us here at BECYCLE. Raman was born and raised in Austria but spent a long time living in Shanghai prior to moving to Düsseldorf, where he became one of our first ever trainers. As an endurance and strength specialist and a HIIT instructor, there is not much he can’t do. He leads by example, showing kindness to each and every person and encouraging us all to face our challenges, including his wife and two wonderful kids. His HIIT classes are arguably the hardest, packed full of powerful energy - you might hate it but you will definitely leave feeling stronger and prouder than ever before!

Fit-focused Q’s:

What is your go-to breakfast on a busy morning? Cereals with fresh fruits, my favourites are berries and bananas.

What's your best strategy to stay motivated? Signing up for races to have a goal and a reason to workout, as I don’t want to fail or have a bad ranking. 

The best thing we can do for ourselves after a workout is... Ice bath or cold shower, stay hydrated and eat healthy.

Is there a special dietary regime you follow? What changes have you seen or felt since you have started it? No I don’t, I try to eat healthy all year round but have to admit that I enjoy some sweets too.

What is the best thing about a HIIT class and why should everybody add HIIT to their workout routine? A high intensity interval training is the best way to burn a crazy amount of calories, get lean and at the same time improve your cardiovascular system.

What are your tips to have energy all day? Go for a run in the morning, shower and a healthy breakfast!

Quick-fire Q’s

Best Restaurant and Best Bar in Düsseldorf:  I would go with The Kitchen in Pempelfort and the Beuys Bar in the Altstadt.

Destination you are looking most forward to traveling to: Short term: snowboarding in Austria January 2022, Long term: South Africa.

Least favourite exercise: Lifting heavy weights, cross fit style.

One lesson learned from the pandemic period: There are a lot of crazy people out there...

Silly Q’s:

Dog, cats, neither? Definitely dogs.

You're stranded on an island. What's the one thing you'd wish you had and why? My wife, because she’s my ride or die, my partner in crime.

All Images: © BECYCLE