Instructor Insights: Pippa


The multi-talented Pippa hails from England and is known around BECYCLE as the banter queen. Loved by us all, Pippa always delivers engaging, dynamic and creative Barre and Reformer Pilates classes, sprinkled with her own comedic flavour. This professional dancer and aerial acrobat has performed around the world and she’s got the mind-blowing flexibility to prove it. Her fun, expressive nature will have you holding back laughter, a nice distraction from the tough postures she’ll have you in, holding and pulsing for dear life. Pippa will leave you feeling positive! Positive you worked muscles you didn’t know you had, that is!

Fit-focused Q’s:

What is your go-to breakfast on a busy morning? If I’m teaching early it’s a coffee and a lemon ginger tea then I’m out of the door. I am usually running late! If I have more time, I’ll have eggs and avocado on toast, that really sets me up for the day. Or porridge with bananas is always a winner.

What's your best strategy to stay motivated?  Set goals at the start of the week, no matter how big or small they are. To stay motivated for workouts, I find going with a friend really helps.

The best thing we can do for ourselves after a workout is... Roll it out! Roll out those muscles. Stretch, drink some water and take a nice hot shower!

Is there a special dietary regime you follow? What changes have you seen or felt since you have started it? I don’t really follow any special diet, I eat everything! I love food! I always eat a lot of fresh vegetables and limit meat to once a week. I try to keep my diet balanced and full of nourishing foods. I allow myself to indulge too! Red wine and sweets are my guilty pleasures.

What is the best thing about a reformer class and why should everybody add reformer to their workout routine?

Reformer is so wonderful and versatile! It’s a full body, high intensity but low impact workout. You’ll work muscles you never knew you had! You’ll improve your core, flexibility, muscle tone and strength. The benefits are endless! 

What are your tips to have energy all day? Try to keep moving and stay hydrated. I always try to keep snacks with me for when I’m feeling a little short on energy. This is usually a banana or some nuts. But I do have a bad habit of getting an energy burst from Haribo sweets!

Quick-fire Q’s

Best Restaurant in Düsseldorf and Best Bar in Düsseldorf:  Bar Dr Pfeiffer for a cocktail. There are so many restaurants that I like. One place that never fails me for good food is Casita Mexicana!

Destination you are looking most forward to traveling to: I’m travelling to Iceland next year. I can’t wait. It’s somewhere I’ve always wanted to visit. I’m hoping to see the Northern lights!

Least favourite exercise: I have weak gluteal muscles so usually anything that involves working them! But really I should be doing them more!

One lesson learned from the pandemic period: I’ve learned to appreciate the small, simple things in life. Never take anything for granted.

Silly Q’s:

Dog, cats, neither? I am definitely a dog person! Especially labradors. I have grown up with golden labradors. They really are the most kind natured dogs.

You're stranded on an island. What's the one thing you'd wish you had and why? My family! They mean the world to me!

All Images: © BECYCLE