Instructor Insights: Antonia



Antonia is Berlin's first Katonah Yoga teacher, which is a Hatha based practice from New York developed over the last 40 years. The goal is to look around yourself, to be well adjusted and to develop a sense of personal measure. It sees the body as a house and therefore the practice is about learning to find joy in the house you’re living in!

Fit-focused Qs:

What is your go-to breakfast on a busy morning? Yogurt with berry compote and all kinds of seeds and a big spoon of nut butter.

What's your best strategy to stay motivated? Writing down my goals, I like to use the moon cycles for that. Usually every full and new moon I spend time manifesting, brainstorming my goals and dreams for the next cycle.

The best thing we can do for ourselves after a workout is...  A hot shower, followed by a big nutritious meal.

Is there a special dietary regime you follow? What changes have you seen or felt since you have started it? I was vegan for about 3 years and haven’t been eating any meat long time before that. But during that time I noticed how easy it is to lose yourself in all these diets out there and how dangerous they can be for young girls specifically, me included.

In general I still try to avoid any processed foods and refined sugar and I still don’t eat meat but I‘m way more relaxed about everything else now. I want to be healthy and I think it’s important to have an understanding about the food you eat but I also want to live a joyful life and not restrict myself in any way.

It’s all about balance and listening to your body. We all respond differently to diets and all kinds of foods so for me there is no right or wrong. Your body will tell you what it needs :)



What are your top three exercises to do at home? One of my teachers says: “You don’t need to be a warrior at home, you’re a warrior all day long“, so my home practice is mainly restorative yoga poses that I do every morning to start my day. It’s a grounding practice that includes pigeons, gomukasana, forward folds and a plough.

What are your tips to have energy all day? Having a moment for yourself before leaving the house. So maybe set your alarm about 30 mins earlier than usual to have a bit extra time for a little morning practice or a big cup of coffee in silence :)

What's your favourite motivational quote? You are designed to fit yourself perfectly.

Quick-fire Qs

Favourite smoothie at My Goodness: Maca Power Up as a Bowl with peanut butter, banana and granola. I don’t think I’ve ever had anything else yet to be honest but it’s just too good.
Best Restaurant in Berlin: I don’t think I can name just one.. I like Frea and Hummus & Friends a lot. Also there is a cafe near my home called “Pappelreihe” with the best Sri Lankan food and amazing Shakshuka!
Best Bar in Berlin: If I would write anything here people who know me would laugh at me because I never go to bars, I rather like to cook with friends and make a nice dinner at home!
Best Place to dance in Berlin: In the rare occasion I go to a club I let my friends choose, because same as the question above, I don’t know much about the Berlin party scene. I love dancing though, so if I go out I rather do it during the day after a nice brunch!
Favourite exercise: I like core exercises and cardio like running or cycling!
Least favourite exercise: Burpees and push ups, ugh..

Silly Q's:

Dog, cats, neither? Dogs! The bigger the better. I grew up with one and he’s the best and has the biggest heart.

What's your personal theme song? Changes daily!

You're stranded on an island. What's the one thing you'd wish you had and why? Almond butter, I think everyone gets that.