4 Ways To Have A More Joyful Year

Image Credit: Lilika Strezoska

Struggling to sustain your optimism and resolve through January, which seems to drag on forever? We’ve rounded up four ways to keep the momentum going, impact your life in a positive way and get more joy out of this year long-term.

get giving

Studies have shown time and time again that we get more joy out of giving than receiving. A 2006 study at the U.S. National Institutes of Health found that when people give to charities, it creates a "helper's high" - activating the regions of the brain associated with pleasure, connection and trust. Whatever it is, from random act of kindness, like volunteering to drive your friend to the airport or giving more time to your elderly neighbour, doing so on a consistent produces ongoing positive shifts. Or perhaps this year you decide to commit to a charity of your choice on a continual basis. For ideas on Berlin and Germany-based volunteer/donation opportunities, click here and here for specifically Ukrainian-oriented entities.

cultivate a curious mind

As the old saying goes "an idle mind is the devil’s workshop." Religious imagery aside, basically, it's important to keep our minds engaged, and not just with your work’s problem-solving (and definitely not with Netflix or constant scrolling!) This keeps the mind agile and contributes to overall wellbeing, sparking more creative approaches to challenges. After all, the brain is like a muscle, and needs exercising to stay fit, just like any other muscle in our bodies. So it would make sense that learning new things would keep it effectively engaged. This year we're embracing reading more diverse literature, having more conversations with those who might hold opposing views, and saying "yes" to new experiences more often (see next point.) And if you’ve got a dinner party coming up, we are also stocking Curiosity Cards, which are a sure way to interest and challenge everyone present!

hobbies for 2023

Image via Unsplash


All too often we are perceived, and even judged, according to our job titles and what we do for a living. But we are not our jobs, and for most of us, our life extends well beyond the working hours, where we might embrace self-expression and true passion through various hobbies and side hustles. Getting truly good at something outside of work can even contribute to our overall happiness, as well as a richer sense of purpose. (And you may become one of the lucky ones, making your hobby into a job!) How we spend our leisure time directly reflects on our habits and wellbeing. 


Cultivating social connections leads to a happier life. And having a reliable, supportive network of people goes along way, including our overall life expectancy. This year we are making time for friendships and meaningful connections - after all, the original idea behind BECYCLE was to foster stronger communal bonds. And what better way to connect with someone than breaking sweat together (or to contest that last piece of banana bread at Lucy's.) So think of us as your private social club, and keep your eyes peeled on our schedule for more community events, which are relaunching this year after the many lockdowns.

Compiled and written by BECYCLE & BEYOND Marketing Manager and Integrative Health Coach Katia Varfolomeeva